Boot camp is great for kicking individuals into shape, teaching them speed, order, and efficiency. When it comes to websites, Bootstrap does a similar job. Its clean, efficient code has a beautiful order to it that’s simple to follow, resulting in faster programming and site speed.

Yes, the Bootstrap framework is a popular choice these days due to its ease of use and quick, clean results. However, if you’re looking to build out a hefty site on this framework, you’ll find yourself doing a lot of the heavy lifting. That’s because Twitter bootstrap only offers a few example templates to work with.
What you need is the Starter KIT from! This robust collection features more than 35 useful Bootstrap templates to incorporate into your site! From landing pages to blog posts to scrollers, you’ll find everything that you need to finish your site design.
That includes 5 Bootstrap Themes to change up the overall look of your site too! Sounds too good to be true? It’s not. Even when you consider the fact that this entire collection is yours for just $9!