About Bootstraptor Project


All those who enjoy Twitter Bootstrap, know that the official website provides sample example templates a little bit, but we all would like to have more pieces for all occasions.


Gradually accumulated some templates, we have decided to provide it for the Bootstrap developers community. We have also added the most requested wireframes such as parallax, one pages scrolling, and eCommerce templates and many more.


Set of basic template built with the Bootstrap framework on his popular base. Get a set of additional base Twitter Bootstrap samples templates: fully responsive and ready to use.

“10 front-end software development tools”

Bootstraptor.com on the list of top 10 best tools for developers in VentureBeat and Mattermark’s rating.


“35 Must-Have Bootstrap Tools and Generators”

“If you think that Bootstrap templates are not enough for you, you should go with Bootstrapotor. You will have a wide range to select from, which automatically gives you a lot of interesting things to work with.” –


“40 Bootstrap Tools and Generators for Web Developers”

“For those who would like to have more templates than what’s just being offered with the bootstrap template sets, Bootstraptor brings you so much more…” 


“A selection of useful things for a Twitter Bootstrap fans”

“Bootstraptor.com – a selection of a large number of free and premium Bootstrap templates including Starter Kit, based on the Bootstrap framework…” 


Featured on Entrepreneur.com

Build Complete Websites in a Fraction of the Time With This Handy Tool

read more https://www.entrepreneur.com/science-technology/build-complete-websites-in-a-fraction-of-the-time-with-this/346188

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